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Big Data And Analytics Has Been Around Forever! Why Is It Still Important?

Timo Elliott

These are some quick answers to some common questions I get about Business Intelligence, Big Data, and Analytics: Big Data. The term has been around for quite some time. Why is it still important for innovative businesses? It’s clear that data is one of the most important assets of the future. Organizations want to optimize their end-to-end customer experience, to improve productivity, and to engage the workforce in new ways.

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Transformation is More Than Just Having an Agile Checklist

Leading Agile

As a consultant, I get to see a lot of different organizations and work with a variety of teams. By now, virtually everyone has at least heard of agile and read the manifesto. We also seem to have, in technology adoption terms, crossed the chasm, and so adoption by more traditional, sometimes slower moving, global scale organizations is well under way.

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Automate Testing SSAS Tabular Models

BI Insight

In real world SSAS Tabular projects, you need to run many different testing scenarios to prove your customer that the data in Tabular model is correct. If you are running a Tabular Model on top of a proper data warehouse then your life would be a bit easier than when you build your semantic model … Continue reading Automate Testing SSAS Tabular Models.

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What is the Decision Tree Analysis and How Does it Help a Business to Analyze Data?

ElegantJ BI

In this article, we will discuss the Decision Tree analysis method. What is Decision Tree Analysis? There are two basic types of decision tree analysis: Classification and Regression. 1) Classification Trees are used when the target variable is categorical and, as the name implies, are used to classify/divide the data into these predefined categories of a target variable.

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HR in 2025: Insights & Predictions

What type of worker is most engaged—hybrid, remote, or onsite? What are the drivers of effective leadership? What does the C-suite think HR is most responsible for? And why is a wave of HR resignations more likely in the next 12 months? Get our annual survey report to find out: The #1 challenge of recruiting & hiring Why remote teams are struggling What are the drivers of effective (and ineffective) leadership And lots more!

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20 expert opinions on UI design trends for 2018


From invisible UI to emotional personalisation to biometric authentication, which UI trends will be rocking our experts’ socks off in 2018? Look, we get it. Trends posts are an easy win for any blog operating in the tech/marketing/digital industry. Writers can make up any old bunkum in the safe knowledge that nobody will bother checking back 12 months later to see if they were right (driverless planes, internet-enabled pets, smart-pants).

More Trending

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Teaming – could this be the future of agile?

Growing Agile

We all know the benefits of teams. A bunch of people who work together over long periods of time and are fairly stable. They grow together and learn together and the team is worth more than the sum of the individuals. IF you’ve worked in one of these teams – you will know what I’m speaking about. It feels amazing. However in most companies this idea of stable teams seems like an impossibility.

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Data Storytelling: What's Easy and What's Hard

Juice Analytics

Putting data on a screen is easy. Making it meaningful is so much harder. Gathering a collection of visualizations and calling it a data story is easy (and inaccurate). Making data-driven narrative that influences people.hard. Here are 25 more lessons we've learned (the hard way) about what's easy and what's hard when it comes to telling data stories: Easy: Picking a good visualization to answer a data question Hard: Discovering the core message of your data story that will move your audience to

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The Importance of Market Research

The Analyst Agency

Importance of Market Research By Steven Czyrny Market research is vital not only in the initial stages of setting up a business but also throughout the lifespan of your organisation. How can you beat the competition if you don’t know what your clients are looking for? How can you improve your business without knowing where […]. The post The Importance of Market Research appeared first on The Analyst Agency.

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Data is the New Frontier for Performance in Formula One


It’s no secret that evolution drives Formula One racing. Each season, teams work to improve safety and energy consumption with the goal of giving fans a great, competitive show with a level playing field. The crux and excitement of F1 racing is for teams to expect the unexpected. Whether it’s weather conditions or a pitfall of an opponent, teams need to be prepared to adapt to changing conditions — even the most minor of changes can have the greatest impact.

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Business Valuation Software: Free Guide to Valutico Platform

Explore our free guide to Valutico, the platform that revolutionizes automated report generation, offers access to 1 million M&A transactions, enables quick benchmarking, and streamlines the entire valuation process. With Valutico, you gain access to: 30-Minute Valuations: Rapidly producing accurate results. 3TB of Financial Data: The expansive data you need at your fingertips.

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Agile Analysis Technique: Personas the magic ingredient to solution success

Business Analysis Excellence

Personas … the magic ingredient to solution success! Personas is a technique which can be seen as “the magic wand” ensuring solution success! When the Business Analyst can paint the requirements with a Persona brush, then the requirements and design specifications suddenly sings the song of the real end user. This might sound like flowery […].

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Different Tools for Different Tasks

Perceptual Edge

I am often asked a version of the following question: “What data visualization product do you recommend?” My response is always the same: “That depends on what you do with data.” Tools differ significantly in their intentions, strengths, and weaknesses. No one tool does everything well. Truth be told, most tools do relatively little well. I’m always taken by surprise when the folks who ask me for a recommendation fail to understand that I can’t recommend a tool without first understanding what t

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The Basics of Agile Transformation

Leading Agile

For businesses to succeed in today’s market, they must be able to rapidly and reliably deliver product increments to customers. More importantly, they need to be nimble and able to respond to feedback from these customers. This means a move away from the predominate way of organizing, managing, and funding work. For small companies, Agile Transformation can be straightforward—since getting alignment can be accomplished by getting everyone in a room and creating shared understanding.

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Automate Testing SSAS Tabular Models

BI Insight

In real world SSAS Tabular projects, you need to run many different testing scenarios to prove your customer that the data in Tabular model is correct. If you are running a Tabular Model on top of a proper data warehouse then your life would be a bit easier than when you build your semantic model … Continue reading Automate Testing SSAS Tabular Models.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Measure Social Media and Internet Marketing Results

ElegantJ BI

Use BI for Social Media and Internet Marketing to Understand and Measure Results! Nearly every organization is using social media to promote its products and services and to establish and sustain relationships with prospects and customers. But, how do you know whether your social media outreach and your internet marketing campaigns are working? Senior management teams and shareholders do not take kindly to guess work or to subjective opinions about business success or applied techniques.

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What’s the difference between quantitative and qualitative research?


In my first few weeks of working for a UX testing company I was put under a rigorous training programme. Every facet of UX testing was explained to me in detail, with practical examples and demos delivered along with a reading list of all the key UX texts. I’m not saying any of this as some kind of unsubtle recruitment drive (I found the constant running up steps and punching frozen meat to be both humiliating and confusing) but to reveal where I am on my beginner’s journey into UX.

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Technical Debt and Product Success

Roman Pichler

Why Technical Debt Matters for Product People. As the person in charge of the product, you may not be terribly concerned about how clean and well-structured the code is. But the quality of your product matters: It directly impacts your ability to achieve strategic product goals and make your products successful: Technical debt makes it hard to experiment with new ideas, release new features, and quickly respond to user feedback. [1].

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Full Time Scrum Master experiment part 4 – Retrospectives!

Growing Agile

Here I was, full time scrum mastering! There was time to plan mindful retrospectives targeted on what the team needed, it was total bliss. I’d been learning so much and this was an obvious way to put my learnings into practice and experiment with some new things. . Here’s a couple of case studies of retrospectives I facilitated and why I targeted them the way I did. —– How to say no: I was reading and learning about team impediments.

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Maximize Productivity and Simplify IT Management with Conversational AI

ChatGPT has dominated boardroom conversations for months now. From drafting a stock trading program, to creating a SQL query to model data, there are practically no limits to the applications of the AI language model assistant. At ManageEngine, we have been working on our own AI-assistant, Zia. Zia is a fully-trained analytics assistant that can perform a range of functions such as creating and adding reports to dashboards, providing conversational support to data analysis, insight discovery, bu

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Is It Time to Jump-Start Your Data Offense?

Juice Analytics

Legendary Alabama coach Bear Bryant believed in defense: “Offense sells tickets, but defense wins championships.” Legendary boxer Jack Dempsey saw virtue in offense: "The best defense is a good offense.” Legendary analytics guru Thomas Davenport takes a more neutral stance in his Harvard Business Review article What’s your Data Strategy? "The key is to balance offense and defense.

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The Importance of Corporate Due Diligence

The Analyst Agency

The Importance of Corporate Due DiligenceBy Steven Czyrny “Trust but verify” is a phrase that President Reagan once used when he was heading into high-level discussions with the Soviet Union. Today, the advice works perfectly for anyone entering into any kind of business partnership. It’s a fine idea to get excited about any kind of […]. The post The Importance of Corporate Due Diligence appeared first on The Analyst Agency.

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New Domo Data Science Suite Unleashes the Power of Advanced Analytics


We’ve all heard it or even seen the stats to back it up: The volume of data generated each minute grows exponentially. In fact, if IDC’s predictions are to be believed, the world will eclipse the 170 zettabyte threshold by 2025. That’s five times what was created in 2018. For that reason, there has never been a bigger opportunity for businesses to gain proactive insights into all the information available to them.

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Agile Business Analysis Technique Job Stories

Business Analysis Excellence

What are Job Stories? The Agile Business Analysis technique, referred to as Job Stories are used to represent a product backlog item (PBI) or requirement in terms of a job to be done by a stakeholder. Job Stories focus on the motivation of the stakeholder and provide as much context as possible for the motivations, […]. The post Agile Business Analysis Technique Job Stories appeared first on Business Analysis Excellence.

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Data-Backed Secrets for Minimizing Discounts & Maximizing ROI Post-Holiday

Use data to turn one-off holiday shoppers into repeat buyers and effortlessly drive more sales throughout the year. Our guide will give you an in-depth understanding of what triggers your customers to buy and breaks down campaign examples from leading B2C brands.

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Big Data, Big Dupe: A Progress Report

Perceptual Edge

My new book, Big Data, Big Dupe , was published early this month. Since its publication, several readers have expressed their gratitude in emails. As you can imagine, this is both heartwarming and affirming. Big Data, Big Dupe confirms what these seasoned data professionals recognized long ago on their own, and in some cases have been arguing for years.

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Java: Platform or Language?

Leading Agile

Java has earned a place of honor in the history of computing. From humble beginnings in the mid-1990s, it has become one of the most widely-used technologies in the world. Java is a platform: A collection of technologies that enables development of various applications targeted to various execution environments. The basis of the Java platform is the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) specification.

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Quick Tips: How to Enable Dataflows In Power BI Service

BI Insight

Dataflows (Preview) in Power BI Service has been landed yesterday (6th November 2018). I had a little bit of difficulties to enable this cool new feature so I thought it is good to write a Quick tip about it. While Dataflows is under preveiw at the time of writing this quick tip, the situation may … Continue reading Quick Tips: How to Enable Dataflows In Power BI Service.

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Can My Business Leverage Tally in a Mobile Environment?

ElegantJ BI

Can Tally Help My Business Manage with Easy-to-Use Tools and Reporting? Every Tally user sees the value of the Tally solution and its features and functionality. IF anything, Tally users just want to use the solution more but the need to access the information within Tally can be difficult to address because Tally is a desktop app, accessible from within the walls of the enterprise.

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The Young BA

This article focuses on my experience starting as a customer service representative and working myself up to become a lead analyst in my organization. I did not start with many special skills or talents but I wanted to reflect on what did help me.