Adaptive US Free Skill Assessment Tool for BAs - CompetencyPro

1 min read
5/31/22 3:15 AM

Middletown, DE USA– May 13, 2022 – Adaptive US Inc. announces the launch of 'CompetencyPro,' a Skill Assessment Tool that helps you assess your skills over a period of time. It is launched as a part of the Skill Assessment Toolkit for Business Analysts.

CompetencyPro, as the name suggests, assesses your competency or skills over a period of time. As knowledge workers, you must be aware of the skills in demand in the marketplace and know where you stand with respect to those skills.

Adaptive US is always committed to the skill assessment and improvement of the global BA community as its core purpose.

"As part of our commitment to skill assessment, we are happy to launch our newest product, CompetencyPro. This has been launched as a part of the Skill Assessment Toolkit for business analysts," says LN Mishra, Co-founder, and COO at Adaptive US. He further states, "CompetencyPro will definitely be a great boost to all the professionals desiring to assess their skills continuously. The best part is that this tool is completely free. Several other skill assessment tools are in the pipeline as part of the skill improvement initiatives of Adaptive US."

To know more about the various features of CompetencyPro, please visit-

About Adaptive US

Adaptive US was founded to assist business analysts in their skill development journey and help them unleash their true potential and leverage it to achieve their dream careers. It is backed by a team of professionals regarded as thought leaders and trendsetters globally in this domain.

It is one of the world's trusted IIBA training organizations, maintaining an incredible 97% success rate for students. We have helped 10000+ students with upskilling and 1260+ to complete their IIBA certification goals. In addition, adaptive US provides certification training and learning resources for the most popular international certifications in the Business Analysis domain.

Adaptive US is the only training organization to offer its students a 100% Success or 100% Refund on their instructor-led training.

Company: Adaptive US

Phone: +1 877-872-2860



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