3 Steps to Performing Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis
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In the rapidly evolving business landscape, gaining an edge over competitors is pivotal for growth and sustainability. Entrepreneurs, business leaders, and marketers alike often grapple with questions like, “How can we outperform our competitors?” “What strategies are they employing to capture market share?” and “How can we turn their strengths into our opportunities?” A comprehensive competitive analysis provides insightful answers to these pressing questions, equipping businesses with the intelligence needed to strategize effectively. In this detailed guide, we will walk you through three pivotal steps to conduct a thorough competitive analysis, offering you a roadmap to decipher your competitors’ strategies, strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning.

How Do You Conduct Competitive Analysis?

Conducting a competitive analysis involves a systematic evaluation of your competitors to understand their strategies, strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning. This process is fundamental to identify opportunities and threats, tailor your strategies, and achieve a competitive edge. Below are the quintessential steps:

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Step 1: Identify Your Competitors

Start by categorizing your competitors into primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. Primary competitors offer similar products or services and target the same market segment. Secondary competitors target either your audience with different products or a different audience with similar products. Tertiary competitors are indirectly related and can become potential competitors in the future. Utilize tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs to identify and analyze your competition landscape.

Step 2: Gather Data

Once the competitors are identified, gather data on their business operations, market strategies, customer feedback, and financial performance. Look into their marketing strategies, sales tactics, customer experiences, and online presence. Utilize resources like company websites, social media, customer reviews, and industry reports. IBISWorld and Statista are excellent platforms to retrieve valuable data.

Step 3: Analyze the Data

Analyze the gathered data to identify competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). Evaluate their product quality, customer service, marketing strategies, market share, and financial performance. Tools like SWOT Analysis can be instrumental in this phase.

Prerequisites to Conducting Competitive Analysis

Knowledge and Skills

Having a foundational understanding of business operations, market dynamics, and analytical tools is essential. Teams should possess skills in data collection, analysis, and interpretation to glean actionable insights. A background in business management, marketing, or a related field is often beneficial.

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Tools and Technology

Investing in the right tools and technology is crucial to collect, analyze, and interpret data efficiently. From analytical tools like Google Analytics to data visualization platforms, ensure you are equipped with the necessary technology.

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Approach the analysis with objectivity, ensuring unbiased and accurate insights. Avoid preconceived notions and ensure that the analysis is thorough and impartial to make informed decisions.

Resources to Conduct Competitive Analysis

Online Tools

Online tools and platforms like BuzzSumo offer insights into content performance, while SEO tools provide data on competitors’ website performance, keywords, and backlink strategies.

Industry Reports

Leverage industry reports and market research from reputable sources to understand market trends, competitor performance, and future projections.

Surveys and Interviews

Conduct surveys and interviews with stakeholders, customers, and industry experts to glean qualitative insights into competitors’ performance and customer perceptions.

Competitor Websites

Competitor websites are a treasure trove of information. Analyze their content, customer reviews, product offerings, and pricing strategies to gain insights.

Real-Life Scenario: Samsung’s Competitive Analysis of Apple

In the realm of smartphone technology, Samsung and Apple are renowned contenders, each boasting an impressive array of innovations and a substantial market share. The rivalry between these tech giants underscores the quintessence of effective competitive analysis. One exemplary instance of this unfolded when Samsung astutely applied insights garnered from a thorough examination of Apple’s strategies and customer preferences.

The Challenge

Samsung, despite its technological innovations, was grappling with Apple’s dominant market position, particularly in the premium smartphone segment. Apple’s iPhone was the epitome of luxury, innovation, and quality. To counter this, Samsung needed not just to innovate, but to align its innovations precisely with market and customer demands.

The Approach

Samsung delved deep into a comprehensive competitive analysis, evaluating Apple’s strengths and weaknesses meticulously. The analysis encompassed product features, customer experience, brand loyalty, marketing strategies, and global reach. Samsung employed tools like SEMrush for SEO analysis and Statista for market data to glean insights into Apple’s global market performance.

Insights and Actions

Samsung discovered that while Apple’s brand loyalty was formidable, there was a segment of the market desiring premium smartphones with more customizable features and a diverse range of models. Apple’s iOS ecosystem, though seamless, was closed, and a segment of customers sought flexibility and customization.

Armed with these insights, Samsung intensified its focus on creating premium smartphones that offered both luxury and customization. The launch of the Samsung Galaxy S series is a testament to this strategic shift. Each model boasted cutting-edge technology, impeccable design, and features tailored to specific market segments.

The Outcome

Samsung’s refined strategy, anchored in the insights obtained from competitive analysis, yielded remarkable results. The Galaxy S series not only carved a niche in the premium segment but also significantly bolstered Samsung’s market share. The tech giant successfully positioned itself as a brand that amalgamates luxury, innovation, and customization, effectively countering Apple’s dominance.

Key Takeaways

This real-life scenario underscores the pivotal role of competitive analysis in strategic decision-making. Samsung’s ability to glean actionable insights from its analysis of Apple facilitated informed, targeted, and effective strategies that propelled the company to new heights of success. It exemplifies the transformative power of well-executed competitive analysis, underscoring its indispensability in today’s competitive business landscape.

Competitive Analysis Grid Template

CriteriaYour BusinessCompetitor 1Competitor 2Competitor 3
Business Overview
Year Established2010200820122005
Size (Employees/Revenue)50/$5M70/$7M30/$3M100/$10M
Market Share15%20%10%25%
Marketing Strategy
Marketing ChannelsOnline, TVOnline, RadioOnlineTV, Radio
Target AudienceYoung AdultsAdultsTeensAll Ages
Customer Experience
Customer ServiceExcellentGoodFairExcellent
User Reviews/Ratings4.5 Stars4 Stars3.5 Stars4 Stars
Online Presence
Website User ExperienceExcellentGoodFairExcellent
SEO RankingHighMediumLowHigh
Social Media EngagementHighMediumHighLow

How to Use the Competitive Analysis Grid

  1. Business Overview: Include basic information such as the year the business was established, its size, and market share. This information provides context on the competitor’s experience, scale, and market presence.
  2. Product/Service: Evaluate the quality, variety, and pricing of your competitors’ products or services. It helps in understanding their value proposition and market positioning.
  3. Marketing Strategy: Analyze the channels competitors are using to market their products, and their target audience. This will give insights into their market reach and focus.
  4. Customer Experience: Assess the quality of customer service and read user reviews to understand customer satisfaction and areas of improvement.
  5. Online Presence: Evaluate the user experience of competitors’ websites, their SEO ranking, and social media engagement. It reflects their digital footprint and online visibility.

Customize the grid according to your specific industry and business needs. Add or remove criteria to make it more relevant. Analyze the collected data to identify gaps, opportunities, and threats and formulate strategies accordingly.


Competitive analysis is not a one-time task but a continuous process that helps businesses to stay ahead of the curve, innovate, and adapt to changing market dynamics. By identifying your competitors, gathering and analyzing pertinent data, and leveraging the right resources, you can turn insights into actionable strategies, propelling your business to new heights of success. Stay agile, informed, and ready to pivot, for in the dynamic world of business, adaptability, and innovation are the linchpins of sustainable success.


Q1: What is Competitive Analysis?

A1: Competitive analysis is a strategy where you identify your competitors and evaluate their strategies to determine their strengths and weaknesses relative to those of your own product or service.

Q2: Why is Competitive Analysis Important?

A2: It provides insights into the competitive landscape, helps identify opportunities and threats, and informs strategies for market differentiation and penetration. Our article provides a detailed overview and steps to perform a comprehensive analysis.

Q3: What are the 3 Steps to Performing Competitive Analysis?

A3: The 3 steps are identifying your competitors, gathering data about them, and analyzing this data to inform your business strategies. Our article, available here, provides an in-depth look into each step.

Q4: What Resources Can Help in Conducting Competitive Analysis?

A4: Online tools, industry reports, surveys, and interviews, as well as competitor websites, can be valuable resources. Our article mentions tools like SEMrush and Statista, and provides a comprehensive guide on how to use these resources effectively.

Q5: How Can I Use the Information Gathered from Competitive Analysis?

A5: The insights can be used to identify gaps in the market, improve your products or services, enhance marketing strategies, and ultimately gain a competitive edge. The real-life example of Samsung and Apple in the article illustrates this application effectively.

Q6: Is there a Real-Life Example of a Company Successfully Using Competitive Analysis in the Article?

A6: Yes, the article provides an insightful scenario of how Samsung utilized competitive analysis to gain insights into Apple’s strategies, leading to the evolution of Samsung’s approach and significant market gains. Read more here.

Q7: Can I Customize the Competitive Analysis Grid Template Provided in the Article?

A7: Absolutely! The grid is meant to be a starting point and can be customized to fit the specific needs and nuances of your industry and business to make your competitive analysis more targeted and effective.

Q8: Where Can I Read the Full Article on Competitive Analysis?

A8: You can read the full article, “3 Steps to Performing Competitive Analysis,” and gain insights into an effective competitive analysis by clicking here.

Tags: #CompetitiveAnalysis #BusinessStrategy #MarketResearch #DataAnalysis #BusinessGrowth