data analytics for beginners

Introduction to Data Analytics Basics for Beginners

Data Analytics (DA) has evolved as a vital force in shaping the modern world, translating raw data into actionable insights that drive advancement in a wide range of sectors and industries. Organizations may gain a competitive advantage, streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and manage complicated challenges by analyzing massive amounts of data.

DA is essential in scientific research, healthcare, finance, and a variety of other industries, allowing scientists to solve puzzles, improve medical care, and develop novel technology. As the volume and complexity of data increase, DA will become increasingly important in managing the digital age’s difficulties and opportunities.

The blog discusses key elements including tools, applications, history, future trends, and fundamentals of data analytics, providing comprehensive insights for professionals and enthusiasts in the field.

Evolution of Data Analytics

19th Century Insights

  • Pioneers like Frederick Winslow Taylor and Henry Ford used analytics for time management and assembly line speed measurement.
  • Analytics gained more attention in the late 1960s with the rise of computers as decision-making support systems.

Roots in Statistics

  • Data analytics is rooted in statistics, dating back to Ancient Egypt.
  • Governments worldwide used statistics for censuses, essential for activities like taxation and informed decision-making.

Computing Revolutionizes Data Analysis

  • Computers revolutionized data analysis, reducing processing times.
  • Herman Hollerith’s “Tabulating Machine” in the late 19th century expedited the processing of the 1890 US Census data.

Evolution of Databases

  • Edgar F. Codd invented relational databases in the 1970s, enabling structured data analysis using SQL.
  • The mid-1990s saw the emergence of non-relational databases (NoSQL) to handle diverse data types and sources.

Data Warehouses and Business Intelligence

  • Data warehouses emerged in the late 1980s, transforming operational data into decision-making support systems.
  • The term “Business Intelligence” was coined in 1989, describing systematic data analysis for better decision-making.

Rise of Data Mining and Predictive Analytics

  • The 1990s saw the advent of data mining, exploring non-traditional ways to discover patterns in large datasets.
  • Predictive analytics gained prominence, leveraging increasing data availability to forecast trends and behavior patterns.

Analytics in the Cloud

  • Cloud computing evolved from the late 1990s, offering scalable, on-demand services.
  • It transformed from a conceptual space to renting services, with vendors handling troubleshooting, backups, and maintenance.

Era of Big Data

  • In 2005, Roger Magoulas coined “Big Data.”
  • Hadoop developed the same year, allowed the processing of large datasets, with Apache Spark and Apache Cassandra addressing challenges posed by big data.

Advanced Analytics

  • The 21st century introduced advanced analytics like cognitive analytics, augmented analytics, portfolio analytics, HR analytics, and customer journey analytics.
  • These approaches utilize machine learning, natural language processing, and behavioral data for deeper insights and automated decision-making processes.

Key Steps in Data Analytics

Analyzing data involves several steps. These steps, from understanding data requirements to organizing and cleaning, contribute to unlocking valuable insights for informed decision-making:

Step 1: Data Requirements Determination:

  • Understanding how data should be categorized or grouped
  • Data can be numerical or categorical
  • Goal is to define the scope of analysis and establish criteria for data collection

Step 2: Data Collection Process:

  • Collecting relevant information from various sources
  • Ensures a comprehensive dataset for meaningful analysis

Step 3: Data Organization:

  • Organizing data systematically for effective analysis
  • Using tools like spreadsheets or statistical software
  • Arranging data to facilitate easy examination

Step 4: Data Cleaning:

  • Cleaning data involves scrubbing and validation
  • Eliminating duplicates, correcting errors, and addressing incompleteness
  • Enhancing the accuracy and reliability of the dataset

What are the 4 main types of data analytics?

Four primary types of data analytics include:

1. Descriptive Analytics:

Descriptive Analytics focuses on summarizing historical data. This indicates that descriptive analytics is focused on comprehending what has previously occurred. It accomplishes this by summarizing and organizing historical data in an easy-to-understand and interpret format.

They frequently incorporate trend analysis, like as sales numbers, website traffic, or customer satisfaction levels over time. It also entails examining performance data including conversion rates, click-through rates, and average order value.

They are used to answer questions about the past, such as:

  • What were our sales figures last quarter?
  • How has our website traffic changed over the past year?
  • What is our average customer satisfaction level?

2. Diagnostic Analytics:

Diagnostic analytics goes beyond descriptive analytics to explore the reasons why something happened. It does this by examining diverse datasets and looking for patterns and correlations.

Examining various datasets to acquire a complete picture of what transpired is common in diagnostic analytics. A retailer, for example, can examine sales data, customer feedback, and marketing campaign data to determine why sales fell in a specific month.

Diagnostic analytics involves formulating hypotheses about the root causes of events. These hypotheses can then be tested using further analysis or experimentation.

3. Predictive Analytics:

Using past data, predictive analytics makes future projections. Finding patterns and trends in data is done by applying machine learning techniques and statistical algorithms. Many different factors, like consumer behavior, sales information, and market trends, can be predicted by using predictive analytics techniques.

Based on historical data, it can predict future events such as customer turnover, demand for new products, or the chance of a natural disaster.

4. Prescriptive Analytics:

Using the information from predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics makes recommendations that can be put into practice. You can accomplish greater outcomes and make wiser judgments with the help of these suggestions.

Prescriptive analytics not only forecasts future events but also makes recommendations for counteractions. This has the potential to assist businesses in making astute decisions regarding the allocation of resources, refining marketing strategies, and enhancing customer support.

Prescriptive analytics has diverse applications, providing recommendations in various fields, such as:

  • Marketing: Which products should we promote? Which channels should we use?
  • Sales: How should we allocate our sales force? How should we price our products?
  • Operations: How should we schedule our production? How should we manage our inventory?


Tools used  in Data Analytics

The foundation of data analytics is made up of these tools and technologies, which enable experts to gather, examine, and visualize data in order to make deft decisions. Whether you’re a data scientist, analyst, or business professional, these solutions satisfy a broad range of analytics requirements and guarantee accuracy and efficiency in deriving useful insights from data.

1. R and Python:

Description: Widely adopted programming languages for data analytics.

Key Features:

  • Extensive libraries for statistical analysis and machine learning.
  • Versatility in handling and manipulating data.

2. Microsoft Excel:

Description: A ubiquitous spreadsheet tool with robust data analysis capabilities.

Key Features:

  • User-friendly interface for data manipulation and visualization.
  • Fundamental for basic analytics tasks and reporting.

3. Tableau:

Description: Advanced data visualization software for interactive and intuitive insights.

Key Features:

  • Seamless integration with various data sources.
  • Rich visualization options for effective communication.

4. Power BI:

Description: Microsoft’s business analytics tool for creating dynamic and interactive reports.

Key Features:

  • Real-time data analysis and sharing.
  • Integration with other Microsoft products.

5. SAP Business Objects:

Description: Business intelligence suite offering a range of reporting and analysis tools.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive tools for business intelligence and performance management.
  • Integration capabilities with various data sources.


Applications of Data Analytics

Business Intelligence:

In the dynamic business landscape, data analytics empowers companies with a competitive edge. It facilitates a deep understanding of customer behavior, optimization of operations, identification of market trends, and informed strategic decision-making. Businesses leverage data analytics to enhance sales forecasting, refine customer segmentation, and optimize supply chain management.


Data analytics revolutionizes healthcare by improving patient care, enabling new treatment developments, and optimizing resource allocation. Patient data analysis identifies patterns, predicts health risks, and tailors treatment plans. It supports clinical research, accelerates drug discovery, and aids in population health management.


In the financial sector, data analytics is indispensable for risk assessment, fraud detection, and investment strategies. Financial institutions use data to evaluate creditworthiness, predict market trends, and make informed investment decisions. Data analytics also contributes to algorithmic trading, portfolio optimization, and financial crime prevention.


Data analytics transforms the marketing landscape by enabling personalized campaigns, effective customer targeting, and performance measurement. Marketers leverage data to understand customer preferences, identify potential leads, and optimize marketing efforts across channels. This leads to more efficient and targeted marketing strategies.


E-commerce thrives on data analytics for understanding customer behavior, enhancing product recommendations, and optimizing pricing strategies. Analysis of website traffic, identification of customer segments, and personalized shopping experiences are made possible through data analytics. It also aids in inventory management, dynamic pricing, and fraud detection.

Future Trends in Data Analytics

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Integration:

The smooth integration of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the key to the future of data analytics. These technologies improve the capacity to identify intricate patterns, forecast trends, and mechanize the process of making decisions. As AI and ML algorithms evolve, businesses will increasingly rely on these capabilities to gain deeper insights from their data.

2. Edge Analytics:

By processing data closer to the source, edge analytics lowers latency and enhances decision-making in real-time. Edge analytics will be essential for interpreting data collected at the edge devices as the Internet of Things (IoT) grows. This trend ensures quicker insights, particularly in applications requiring immediate responses.

3. Internet of Things (IoT):

An industry-changing development is the combination of data analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT devices generate huge amounts of data, and analytics will be essential for obtaining actionable insights. From optimizing operational processes to enhancing user experiences, the synergy between IoT and data analytics will drive innovation across sectors.

4. Real-Time Data Processing:

The demand for real-time data processing is escalating as businesses seek instantaneous insights for timely decision-making. Advanced analytics tools capable of processing and analyzing data in real time will become increasingly crucial. This trend is especially vital in sectors such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing where immediate responses are essential.


Data analytics serves as a transformative force reshaping global businesses and industries, driving innovation, and optimizing processes. In the era of unprecedented technological advancements, embracing data analytics is imperative for success in a data-driven landscape.

Explore our Data Analytics Fundamentals Course, a groundbreaking journey tailored for diverse audiences, from business analysts transitioning to data roles to team leaders and project managers leveraging data for effective team management. This course, designed for beginners and aspiring professionals, delves into the essentials of data analytics, covering business applications, types of analytics, and the data analytics life cycle. Upon completion, you’ll possess the knowledge and skills to seamlessly navigate the data analytics realm, establishing a solid foundation for a thriving career in this swiftly evolving field.

Data Analytics Fundamentals

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