Analyst’s corner digest #15

Top stories published in June 2023

Igor Arkhipov
Analyst’s corner


Hi there!

Welcome to the June edition of Analyst’s corner digest.

Have you noticed that half of 2023 is already behind us? Time flies, and the advancements in technology and business are no slower.

In this edition we have a few articles exploring the topics of future: what the AI will bring to us and to the BA profession? How IT architecture can help build more environmentally friendly solutions? How postpandemic world will look like for BAs?

Plus a few nice articles focusing on specific BA skills, as usual.

Enjoy reading.

— yours, Igor

BA Skills & Processes

1) High-Impact Business Analysis: Special Skills And Mindset That Generate Success

by Fabrício Laguna — The Brazilian BA

During the BA & Beyond 2023 conference in Leuven, Belgium, I was able to lead a Fishbowl-style session on High-Impact Business Analysis. This article is a summary of the main ideas developed by the participants.

Measuring the impact of business analysis is essential to assess the value it delivers to stakeholders in a specific context. During the session, participants highlighted three main results…

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2) Requirements analysis: It’s more than just looking at them

by Karl Wiegers

A surprising number of books on software requirements don’t even have an index entry for requirements analysis. Without more specifics, analysis sounds like something that just kind of happens through staring at requirements long enough.

In reality, you can use several techniques to search for specific issues and produce better requirements — and hence better solutions.

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3) Decoding the world of a business analyst

by Mrigank Pandey

In a post-pandemic world, as more businesses across the globe embrace technology and become increasingly data-driven, business analysts can become the key enablers in delivering impactful digital journeys.

At its core, a business analyst is a person who can strike a reasonable friendship with a tech-oriented development team as well as business-oriented, presentation-loving people — aka your clients.

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Future and AI

1) Business analysis with artificial intelligence in year 20XX

by Fabrício Laguna — The Brazilian BA

Imagine a world in the year 20XX — I don’t dare to put a specific number here. I’ll leave that challenge up to you — where a business analyst uses an AI assistant to help them in their daily tasks. It’s like having a super-smart and up-to-date friend in the palm of your hand whom you can chat with, ask questions, and assign those boring tasks that need to be done but you don’t want to do! They communicate through an incredible interface using natural language and images with real-time information.

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2) The big debate: risks and benefits of artificial intelligence

by Fabrício Laguna — The Brazilian BA

As technology advances at an ever-increasing pace, the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly relevant in our daily lives. From chatbots and virtual assistants to self-driving cars and automated manufacturing, AI is changing the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us.

But with great power comes great responsibility, and as we continue to develop and deploy AI, we must also consider the ethical and practical implications of this technology.

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3) Does the Use of Artificial Technology for Business Analytics Really Live up to the Hype?

by Any freelancing service

The business analytics and AI tools industry is currently in the midst of a revolution. In the past decade, we’ve seen businesses go from using spreadsheets and traditional business intelligence tools to now relying on cutting-edge AI tools to make better decisions.

But with all of this hype around AI, it’s natural to wonder if these tools really live up to the hype. There’s no doubt that business analytics and AI tools can be extremely useful.

Do they really make business analytics and decision-making easier? What’s the verdict? Are business analytics and AI tools really worth the hype?

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1) 5 Ways to Standout as an Architect

by Jason Clarke

Forget about technical mastery; focus on breadth.

I’ve been building software for over a decade, and during this time, I’ve worked with some exceptional people.

But only a select few stood apart from the rest.

These select few — lets call them polymaths — all had diverse technical skills. But it was more than that…they had the complete package. They could: communicate with any stakeholder, lead teams, and solve complex problems.

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2) How IT architecture can empower environmental responsibility

by Shashi Sastry

IT Architecture must embrace ethics. And it will only result in improved business success as healthy social outcomes ensure a company’s and brand’s value and attraction. If only in self-interest, enterprises must insist their technology improves the world or at least does it no harm.

Let’s say we have the will; what’s the way? How can IT architecture deliver good social outcomes from its decisions and designs? The answer is simple — expand architectural thinking to cover social imperatives.

We’ll look at this in three parts — Scope & Levels, Dimensions & Measures, and Architectural Thinking.

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3) The Essential Guide to ETL Developer Skills, Roles, and Responsibilities

by Nilimesh Halder, PhD

As the importance of data integration and analysis continues to grow, the demand for skilled ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) developers has risen accordingly. ETL developers play a critical role in managing and transforming data to enable organizations to make data-driven decisions.

This article will provide an in-depth and up-to-date overview of the skills, roles, and responsibilities of ETL developers in 2023, as well as insights into the current job market and future trends.

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Quick bites

“Quick bites” is a series of short and pointy articles that focus on practical ways of solving a specific business analysis or enterprise architecture problem.

Quick bite #6: Discovery questions for a digital forms solution

Forms of all sorts are driving a lot of business, especially in services industry. Remember last time you had to apply for a permit, apply for a job, enroll into a training course or get any service from the government? Chances are, you had to fill in a long form.

It is hard to design a good, functional, easy to use form. It is even harder to build a digital solution to manage those.

This questionnaire is designed to help you get started scoping a form processing solution.

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Sponsored section

Our new book just got out on Amazon:

Information Technology Essentials
for business analysts and project managers

It is designed as a guide to the basics of information technology, covering everything from hardware and software to networking and security — on a level of detail that a junior business analyst or PM should understand to be successful in their role.

It provides an overview of the most important concepts and technologies, making it a core resource for anyone interested in starting a career in IT; especially in non-engineering & non-technician roles.

Get it on Amazon (paperback and kindle available).

Get in touch via if you want your content featured. This keeps our publication going ;)

Thanks folks!



Igor Arkhipov
Analyst’s corner

CBAP | Business analysis | Enterprise architecture | Agile — Find me on linkedin: