What is time series forecasting in the context of business analytics?

Nilimesh Halder, PhD
Analyst’s corner
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2023


Time series forecasting is a statistical technique used in business analytics to make predictions about future values based on historical data. It is used to forecast trends, seasonality, and other patterns in time series data, such as sales, stock prices, and weather data. In this article, we will explore what time series forecasting is, how it works, and some of its common applications.

What is time series forecasting?

Time series forecasting is a statistical technique used to make predictions about future values based on historical data. It involves analyzing patterns in time series data, such as trends, seasonality, and other patterns, and using this information to make predictions about future values.

Time series data is a collection of data points that are measured over time. Examples of time series data include stock prices, sales data, and weather data. Time series forecasting is used to make predictions about future values based on this historical data.

How does time series forecasting work?

Time series forecasting involves several steps, including data preparation, model selection, and evaluation.

Data preparation involves selecting a time series dataset and preparing it for analysis. This may involve cleaning the data, filling in missing values, and transforming the data to improve its statistical properties.

Model selection involves selecting an appropriate time series forecasting model and tuning its parameters to optimize its performance on the dataset. There are several types of time series models, including ARIMA, exponential smoothing, and seasonal decomposition. The choice of model depends on the specific dataset and the nature of the patterns in the data.

Evaluation involves assessing the quality of the time series forecast and determining whether it is accurate and reliable. This may involve comparing the forecast to the actual values and using statistical measures, such as mean absolute error and root mean squared error, to evaluate its performance.

Applications of time series forecasting

Time series forecasting has many applications in business analytics, including:

Sales forecasting

Time series forecasting is used in sales forecasting to predict future sales based on historical sales data and other relevant factors, such as marketing spend, seasonality, and economic indicators. This can be used to optimize inventory management, production planning, and resource allocation.

Financial forecasting

Time series forecasting is used in financial forecasting to predict future stock prices, exchange rates, and other financial metrics. This can be used to inform investment decisions and to identify potential risks and opportunities.

Demand forecasting

Time series forecasting is used in demand forecasting to predict future demand for products and services based on historical demand data and other relevant factors, such as seasonality and marketing campaigns. This can be used to optimize supply chain management and production planning.

Energy forecasting

Time series forecasting is used in energy forecasting to predict future energy demand and supply based on historical data and other relevant factors, such as weather patterns and energy policies. This can be used to optimize energy production and distribution and to inform energy policy decisions.

In summary, time series forecasting is a statistical technique used in business analytics to make predictions about future values based on historical data. It involves analyzing patterns in time series data, such as trends, seasonality, and other patterns, and using this information to make predictions about future values. Time series forecasting has many applications in sales forecasting, financial forecasting, demand forecasting, energy forecasting, and other areas. By using time series forecasting techniques and models, businesses can gain insights from their data and make more informed decisions.

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