Analyst’s corner digest #8

Top stories published in June — August 2022

Igor Arkhipov
Analyst’s corner
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2022


Hi there!

Welcome to the new edition of Analyst’s corner digest where we share some of the great stories recently added to our corner.

Top selection

1) How to Use Office Politics, by Kevin Bendeler

What do you think of when you hear the words “office politics”? Is it all about “backstabbing,” spreading malicious rumors, and “sucking up” to the right people? If so, you’ll likely want to stay as far away from it as you can!

But, like it or loathe it, office politics are a fact of life in any organization. And it is possible to promote yourself and your cause without compromising your values or those of your organization.

Practicing “good” politics enables you to further your and your team’s interests fairly and appropriately.

> Keep reading…

2) 8 Hard & Soft Skills for Your BA Career, by Igor Arkhipov

I’ve been approached by someone on LinkedIn not long ago. That person was looking for a piece of career advice, and one of the things they asked was:

What were the hard and soft skills that helped you the most?

Not an easy thing to answer, I mean — how can you assess the impact a particular skill has made on your career? But thinking about it, I believe I’ve landed on a list of skills that I use the most and see the most value in having.

> Keep reading…

3) The 4 Ingredients Required To Become A Successful Business Analyst, by James Compton

People often ask me how to become successful as a Business Analyst. It’s not a walk in the park, but if you apply yourself the rewards are immense where you get to enjoy the following in abundance:

  • Variety
  • Monetary
  • Flexibility

But how can you accelerate your march towards this goal?

> Keep reading

BA Must reads

Another instalment BA Must reads by Jamie Toyne. This time we read about OKRs — goal setting and measurement:

More stories

- Moving to the cloud? Choose cloud service providers wisely, by Anatoly Kotlyar

Cloud is not a new technology. It’s been around for a couple of decades now. But its adoption across the business landscape has started gaining pace only recently. Is it because of cost-saving and pursuit of flexibility? Or is this due to the pressing need for digital transformation triggered by the pandemic? Both, and even more than that.

- How to build a product backlog?, by Martina Miholić

In the beginning of projects, there is often uncertainty how to start with actual implementation of software product, especially when using agile framework.

Quick bites

“Quick bites” is a series of short and pointy articles that focus on practical ways of solving a specific business analysis or enterprise architecture problem.

Quick bite #5: BA health check questions

The challenge of measuring quality of business analysis work has always been there. It’s just hard to find metrics that would answer this question.

Today, we are going to focus on: “How might we assess if our business analysis serves us well?

> Continue reading…

We hope you have enjoyed reading! Contact us if you want to get your piece published.

Thanks folks!



Igor Arkhipov
Analyst’s corner

CBAP | Business analysis | Enterprise architecture | Agile — Find me on linkedin: