Agile and Scrum: The Present and Future of Business Analysis

Clark Aquino
Analyst’s corner
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2023


This blog post was originally posted for the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®) for its “What’s Next” writing contest.

In today’s business landscape, change is the only real constant. Yet while many methodologies have come and gone over the years, two have taken centre stage: agile and scrum. Their transformative effects have made waves across many industries, especially in business analysis, and they’re changing the business analyst role.

Why have these two methodologies had such an impact on the profession, and how will they redefine it in the years ahead? Let’s find out.

Agile vs. Scrum

As a business analysis professional, I’ve learned that agile isn’t just a methodology — it’s also a mindset. Agile promotes iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaborative effort between cross-functional teams.

The agile methodology breaks free from rigid, traditional ways of doing work. Non-agile projects often follow sequential processes from initiation to completion, where each phase depends on the deliverables of the last. (I’m looking at you, waterfall.) By contrast, agile advocates flexibility, early delivery, and continuous enhancements.

Scrum, on the other hand, is a type of agile approach focused on delivering value in the shortest time possible. It does so by breaking down complex tasks into “sprints.” This allows development teams to tackle opportunities and challenges with both precision and speed.

The Agile Analyst

I like to think of business analysts as change agents, acting as the bridge between problems and solutions. In an agile environment, this role becomes even more critical.

Business analysts don’t simply gather requirements and offer solutions. They’re constantly collaborating with cross-functional teams, soliciting customer feedback, and ensuring that each change aligns with core business objectives.

They’re change agents, after all, and agile and scrum provide an environment that thrives on change.

While traditional methodologies see changes as disruptions, agile sees them as opportunities. In this setup, business analysts serve as navigators who ensure changes enhance the project’s value without deviating from its core objectives.

Agile and scrum also emphasize team collaboration and open communication. Business analysts foster this teamwork between different stakeholders, ensuring they’re in sync with the project’s objectives, scope, changes, and progress.

One downside of open communication is the potential for chaos due to frequent changes and occasional missed deliverables. For that reason, it requires a mediator. Here, too, the business analyst steps in as the harmonizer, ensuring every voice is heard and every concern is addressed.

The Road Ahead

The increasing adoption of these methodologies isn’t a passing trend. It indicates a growing shift in the business domain, wherein business analysts are no longer just problem-solvers — they’re agents of change.

As businesses grapple with rapid technological advancements and market volatility, agile and scrum will serve as their compass. In turn, business analysis professionals will act as their navigators, capable of leading teams to unparalleled success.

Understanding agile and scrum is crucial but learning and applying an agile mindset is what sets top-notch business analysts apart. Offered by IIBA, the Agile Analysis Certification (IIBA®-AAC) responds to the growing demand for the agile and analyst communities to collaborate and revolutionize project delivery.

This globally recognized certification enhances a business analyst’s appeal and instills the advanced knowledge required to drive agile projects to success.


Agile and scrum aren’t just methodologies. They represent a shift in how businesses approach projects. In the years ahead, the role of the business analysis professional will be even more connected with these methodologies.

By embracing agile and scrum, business analysis professionals aren’t merely staying relevant. They’re shaping the future of business analysis, ensuring that businesses remain agile in a world of relentless change.



Clark Aquino
Analyst’s corner

Talks about business analysis, ideas, and learnings. I get lost in the brilliance that is FKJ.