CompTIA Security+ Certification Preparation

Preparation Guide for CompTIA Security+ Certification Exam

A right preparation path takes you towards success in the exam. So, to ensure your success in the CompTIA Security+ exam, here we bring a comprehensive guide that will help you in your CompTIA Security+ certification preparation. Let’s dive in to achieve success in the exam.

Security is undoubtedly a top concern for the majority of enterprises running IT operations. It is practically impossible for an organization to stay away from the digital platform in the existing markets. So, enterprises have to embrace the threats and challenges associated with digital transformation. Therefore, the demand for competent and experienced cybersecurity professionals never slows down.

As a matter of fact, the introduction of new technologies is developing career opportunities for cybersecurity professionals in different roles. Therefore, many IT professionals aspiring for careers in cybersecurity look for trustworthy certifications that can prove their skills and knowledge. As a result, it is evident to prove the rising need for guidance on CompTIA Security+ certification preparation.

Also Read: How to Become a CyberSecurity Professional?

CompTIA Security+ is presently one of the most trusted and widely recognized security-based certifications. The following discussion dives into details about the CompTIA Security+ certification exam to build your foundation for preparations. The next important aspect of the discussion would be the best practices for ensuring successful CompTIA Security+ exam preparation.

CompTIA Security+ Certification

The first detail in any CompTIA Security+ certification preparation refers to the definition for the certification. The CompTIA Security+ certification is a certification with worldwide recognition to prove the baseline skills needed for addressing core security functions and building a career in IT security. The certification exam focuses specifically on the hands-on skills of candidates for addressing different types of cybersecurity issues.

Most important of all, the CompTIA Security+ certification covers new risk management techniques, threat management, intrusion detection, and risk mitigation procedures, and best practices. Candidates can explore various prominent job roles with CompTIA Security+ certification, such as Network Administrator, Security Engineer, Security Administrator, Security Consultant, Penetration Tester, Systems Administrator, and Security Specialist.

Prerequisites for the CompTIA Security+ Certification

The next significant highlight in a CompTIA Security+ preparation guide refers to prerequisites for the exam. The prerequisites help you check whether you are ready for the certification exam or not. CompTIA recommends candidates to qualify the CompTIA Network+ certification is a recommended prerequisite for the CompTIA Security+ certification.

In addition, candidates are recommended to have at least two years of hands-on IT administration experience with specific emphasis on security. Furthermore, CompTIA Security+ certification aspirants are also recommended to have prior technical experience in information security. Most important of all, candidates aspiring for CompTIA Security+ certification preparation are recommended to have wide-ranging expertise and knowledge regarding security concerns and implementation of security infrastructure.

Read More: Comparison between CompTIA vs. CCNA

Domains in the CompTIA Security+ Certification

One of the formidable aspects of the CompTIA Security+ study guide is the need for emphasis on two exams. The existing certification exam in the CompTIA Security+ certification track presently is SY0-501. A new exam, SY0-601, is slated to release in November 2020 in the CompTIA Security+ certification track.

Domains Covered in the SY0-501 Exam

CompTIA releases new and updated versions of its certification exams at an interval of 3 years. At present, there is no comprehensive clarity regarding the objectives of the new exam. However, the CompTIA official website provides detailed information on domains covered in the SY0-501 certification exam. The existing CompTIA Security+ certification exam, i.e., SY0-501 covers the following domains,

  • Threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks
  • Technologies and tools
  • Architecture and design
  • Identity and access management
  • Risk management
  • Cryptography and Public Key Infrastructure

Domains Covered in the SY0-601 Exam

All the exams of CompTIA are created through subject matter expert workshops alongside industry-level survey results related to cybersecurity knowledge and skills of IT professionals. Now, candidates must also know about the expected changes in the new SY0-601 certification exam in the CompTIA Security+ certification track. The new content in the SY0-601 certification exam would focus on new technologies that were not in focus for the SY0-501 certification exam. So, the SY0-601 exam would focus mostly on the following new technologies,

  • Improved attention to cloud support and cloud security
  • Expansion of virtualization platforms and best practices for their security
  • Common security breaches for mobile devices
  • Security technologies for online payment systems and carts
  • Manufacturer-oriented issues pertaining to security of mobile devices
  • Attention on monitoring tools, related metrics, and conditions for data analysis
  • Focus on network access control models

Basic Exam Information on CompTIA Security+

The final aspect of information before starting CompTIA Security+ certification preparation refers to the basic exam details. The basic details of the exam provide a reliable option for candidates to strengthen their understanding of the exam format. It actually helps candidates in navigating their preparation path with ease and flexibility.

The total duration of the exam will be 90 minutes. Candidates will find a total of 90 questions in the exam, which would also include performance-based and multiple-choice questions. The SY0-501 exam is available in English, Portuguese, Japanese and Simplified Chinese. The SY0-601 exam will be available in English and Japanese.

The registration cost for the CompTIA Security+ certification is $349 USD. So, you can wait for SY0-601 exam launch and prepare according to the new objectives of the exam. On the other hand, you can also go for the SY0-501 certification right now to start your IT security career.

Best Practices for CompTIA Security+ Preparation Guide

Every candidate must feel confused about the best answer on how to prepare for CompTIA Security+ certification. So, it is important to follow the recommended best practices by experts and qualified professionals for achieving the desired results in CompTIA Security+ certification. Here is an outline of the best practices that can help you pursue your preparations for CompTIA Security+ certification with ease and simplicity.

  • Know the Exam Content Inside Out

Whenever you start your CompTIA Security+ certification preparation, get your hands on the official study guide for the certification. Candidates must use official resources from the CompTIA website for this purpose to access reliable information about the existing exams in the CompTIA Security+ certification track.

The exam content on the official certification page not only helps you learn about the exam but also the formalities associated with the exam. The knowledge of the domains covered in the exam and type of questions can give you reliable support for starting your preparations.

  • Create an Efficient, Realistic, and Achievable Study Plan

Develop an ideal study plan for your preparations. The course content for CompTIA Security+ certification is comprehensive and requires detailed attention to practical use cases. So, you must create a study plan that allows you the flexibility to cover all the exam concepts along with gaining practical expertise.

Maintain realistic timelines and set some achievable milestones with an eye for the final exam date. The study plan would serve as a vital instrument for establishing a balance between your career and other responsibilities.

  • Choose the Best Learning Resources for CompTIA Security+ Certification

The most important recommendation for candidates to have the best CompTIA Security+ certification preparation refers to the selection of official CompTIA learning resources. Candidates can use the study guides on CompTIA along with the eLearning resources to develop their conceptual understanding of all exam topics.

In addition, the virtual labs deliver the promising advantage of training for the performance-based tasks in the certification exam. In addition, candidates can also find free learning paths along with the CompTIA certification voucher with training courses and video content.

  • Find Trustworthy Certification Training Courses

Reliable training course service providers can also provide credible online training courses to help candidates navigate their preparations for CompTIA Security+ certification. The facility of training courses can help candidates gain a structured approach to their preparations for CompTIA Security+ certification.

Subsequently, the additional insights of industry experts and experienced instructors could help candidates tailor their preparations according to the widely accepted formats. The paid instructor-led training courses on platforms such as Whizlabs also provide the assurance of expert support. So, it would be like having your own home tutor helping you prepare for CompTIA Security+ certification with lectures and clearing your doubts whenever needed.

  • Don’t Skip Any Exam Topic

The next critical aspect of any successful candidate’s CompTIA Security+ certification refers to the coverage of all concepts. Candidates often think of skipping the domains with lower weightage and focus on the major domains. However, that is not a suitable proposition for a candidate who wants to qualify in the first attempt itself. Prepare for all the exam topics thoroughly and keep all the unnecessary assumptions regarding questions in the CompTIA Security+ certification exam.

  • Practice Tests are Always Important

The final, yet most significant recommendation for successful preparation for CompTIA Security+ certification preparation is practice. Candidates without prior experience in the exam format would struggle to qualify the exam. On the other hand, practice tests could help you solve questions just like in the real exam. The simulated exam environment not only develops your familiarity with the actual exam format but also provides you the chance for testing your skills.

With every practice test, candidates could explore additional prospects for improvement in their preparation. Another potential benefit of practice tests or mock exams for CompTIA Security+ exam preparation is the ability to come up with new skills for the exam. Candidates could learn flexible ways for using the interface, such as keyboard shortcuts, to save time on performance-based tasks.

Also Read : Preparation guide for CompTIA Security+ SY0-701

Final Words

On a concluding note, you can clearly find the simplicity of the process for CompTIA Security+ certification preparation. Candidates have to get a good look at the exam details and then follow trusted training resources along with regular practice to cover all exam topics. Yes, that’s the one-line summary answering all questions on how to prepare for the CompTIA Security+ certification.

Candidates must also make effective choices in selecting their training course provider. Apart from the factor of cost-efficiency, the coverage of exam topics and facilities of support would help you choose the right training course provider. Cybersecurity job trends are booming, and you can capitalize on them right now!

About Girdharee Saran

Girdharee Saran has a glorious 13 years of experience transforming the way e-learning and SaaS start-ups approach digital marketing for their organisations. He has successfully chartered tangible results, which have proven beneficial. Working in the spaces of content marketing and SEO for a considerable amount of time, he is well conversant in his art. Having taken a deep interest in content and growth marketing, his urge to learn more is perpetual. His current role at Whizlabs as VP Marketing is about but not limited to driving SEO, conversion optimisation, marketing automation, link building and strategising result driven content.

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